
     The Black River Falls School District (BRFSD) Board met for its regular meeting Monday, Dec. 16.      The board reviewed data for the first trimester, including data on students who are considered chronically absent. The criteria to be considered chronically absent is missing 10% of total...
     The Jackson County (JC) Forestry and Parks Committee met for its regular meeting Monday, Dec. 9.      Forestry and parks manager Jeremy Breheim presented the parks report.      “We finished up that veterans gate that we said we were going to help out with at the veterans park,” Breheim shared...
     The Black River Falls Municipal Utility (BRFMU) Commission met for its regular meeting Monday, Nov. 18.      BRFMU general manager Casey Engebretson updated the commission on potential future well sites.      “We did meet with SEH (Short Elliot Hendrickson Inc.) and the local DNR (Department...
     The Jackson County (JC) Forestry and Parks Committee met for its regular meeting Monday, Nov. 11.      Forestry and Parks assistant administrator Dave Spaude discussed the timber sale bid results with the committee.      “We had 12 sales out for bids,” explained Spaude. “It’s been a while, but...
     The Black River Falls Municipal Utility (BRFMU) Commission met for its regular meeting Monday, Oct. 28.      BRFMU general manager Casey Engebretson updated the commission on the German Hill substation transformer replacement.      “We finally are getting somewhere with the schedule,”...
     The Black River Falls School District (BRFSD) Board met for its regular meeting Monday, Oct. 21. The board resumed its discussions about a potential child care center sponsored by BRFSD.      Jill Collins, BRFSD director of business services, discussed the potential financial aspect of a child...
     The Jackson County (JC) Forestry and Parks Committee met for its regular meeting Tuesday, Oct. 8.      ​Zach Clausing and Christina Kizewski of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) provided the DNR report.      Kizewski reported on wildlife and informed the committee on a...
     The Black River Falls Municipal Utility (BRFMU) Commission met for its regular meeting Monday, Sept. 30.      BRFMU general manager Casey Engebretson discussed a quote for the German Hill substation transformer replacement with the commission.      “Earlier you approved the $40,000 for the...
     The Black River Falls School District (BRFSD) Board met for its regular meeting Monday, Sept. 16. The board continued its discussions about a possible BRFSD-operated child care center.      Jill Collins, BRFSD director of business services, presented an estimated budget on how a district-...
     The Jackson County (JC) Forestry and Parks Committee met for its regular meeting Tuesday, Sept. 10.      Forestry and Parks manager Jeremy Breheim presented the forestry and parks committee with a bike trail update.      “This resolution went to executive and finance yesterday,” explained...


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